Mediumship, Everyone Can Do It!

When I share that I am a medium and can connect with spirit, people often respond with things like, "Aren't you scared?", "I could never do that!" or "What a gift!". The great news is, I am not special or unique! Everyone has the hardware to be able to communicate with spirit! Overall, you can... Continue Reading →

Paranormal Activity Post Investigation

So what happens at a location after a paranormal investigation? Do the spirits get angry? Do they go away? Many people think that during a paranormal investigation, the spirits of the place get "angry" and the activity will increase afterwards because things have been "stirred up". This is mostly a storyline that TV has conjured... Continue Reading →

Energy Awareness Practice – Qigong

Energy is all around us and we are composed of energy. Everyday we are knowingly and unknowingly interacting with energies within us and around us including people, places, animals, plants, electronics, the cosmos, and spirit. Most of us, myself included, were never taught how to understand or regulate these energetic interactions going on all the... Continue Reading →

Mediumship Merging and Blending with Spirit

One thing you may hear from a medium is about "merging or blending with spirit". This is a method of using energetic intention to merge our energy with a spirit's energy for improved clarity of information. It's a technique that allows an energetic overlap for information transfer through the Clair senses (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance).... Continue Reading →

Location Mediumship Technique: Pre-Reading

One location mediumship reading technique I have been using recently is "pre-reading". Pre-reading is energetically connecting to a location with my mind's eye the day or night before an in-person visit to pick up information or spirit individuals at the location. This technique uses remote viewing as well as mediumship and psychic impressions. I sit... Continue Reading →

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