Synchronicities or Collapsing Probabilities? – A Medium’s Perspective

Last night I was doing my personal weekly Tarot. It’s something fun I do for myself and the cards offer me a chance to reflect and create intentions for the week. I was in the middle of pulling cards from The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck by Bernadette King, which is an amazing deck if you love animals or really connect to their meanings.

Anyway, while I was shuffling the deck, a fly landed on the wall in front of me and it caught my attention. I looked at it, while continuing to shuffle the cards, and thought to myself “Hmmm an actual fly on the wall. That’s a humorous pun! I wonder if it is watching me watching it?” Then, no joke, the card I pulled was Fly Five of Swords . . .

I stared at the card with my mouth open for probably a good minute or two. By the time I looked back at the wall to see if the fly was there still, it was gone.

How did this happen!?

Are my guides sending me a message for the week? Was I going to pull the Fly tarot card anyway, and the real-life fly was attracted to the moment I was going to be thinking about Flies? Did I think about the fly on the wall, connect into the same vibration or archetype of “Fly” in the deck and collapse down the odds of pulling the card?

Did I create the Fly tarot card through attraction or was the real-life fly a pre-synchronistic message because of the future fate of me pulling the card in a few seconds?

Or more simply, Did I manifest the Fly Card, or was the card fated to arise?

Synchronicity is the . . .

Simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.”

Ok I can’t refute the fact I saw the fly and then immediately pulled the Fly tarot card, which is 1 card out of a 100-card deck. A 1% chance of pulling that card in that moment.

Random means something that is . . .

“Made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.”

It is possible that this may just be two random events in time, but in my opinion, this was not random.

Now I will say, some people may consider this a sign or synchronicity from my guides, angels, or loved ones. Being a metaphysical science girl, who very much so believes in our own power of energy and its affects around us, I personally do not believe that this particular event was a sign sent from spirit (although I may swallow my words as the week unfolds). I do believe we ARE sent signs and messages from our angels, loved ones, and guides, but in this moment, I do not think it was the case.

Instead, I am asking, did my thoughts attract the card?

It has been established that thoughts carry energy and messages as frequencies. These messages go out on frequency waves of focused intention and then a result arises in the 3D. AKA Manifestation!

Another way this can show up is in negative or positive thinking. Negative thoughts tend to attract negative outcomes and positive thoughts tend to attract positive outcomes. This is essentially the messages in Esther Hicks Book, The Law of Attraction, and Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Wayne Dwyer.

Telepathy is one form of communication through thought energy and people can send and receive messages this way freely across time and space. A common way telepathic thought shows up in our lives is thinking about someone and then they seemingly out of the blue call you minutes later on the phone!

So, in a way I do believe since I was thinking about the fly on the wall, I somehow unconsciously sent out the thought frequencies of “Fly” and tapped into the archetype vibration of the Fly Card. And through the merging or aligning of thought frequencies with the similar frequencies of the card, I ended up collapsing the probabilities of pulling this card vs pulling a different card.

This is exactly how manifestation works!

Out of all the possibilities, you put out there what you are desiring to receive, and like magic it comes back to you as the concept we understand as “manifesting”.

Now here is the tricky part . . . manifestation and collapsing probabilities can happen consciously AND unconsciously. I was not directly thinking, “I want to pull the Fly card now for my highest good.” Instead, I was nonchalantly thinking about a humorous fly in the moment and simultaneously asking the cards to show me what I need to know about my upcoming week. These two merged unintentionally manifesting in attracting the Fly Card.

Now think of how many other things in your life you may be unknowingly attracting!?

It can be daunting to think about this and in the end it doesn’t really matter. The broader a good intention the best. And then from the broad good intention, you can narrow down and focus specific intentions when clarity arises.

Now having reflected on all of this, how much meaning do I place on the card messages considering that I now believe I pulled the card to me? Not much meaning.

And this can be applied to almost anything arising in your life.

Our thoughts, conscious and unconscious ones, really do create our reality, and it is up to us to discern the importance and meaning of these realities. Determining if there really is any meaning to them at all other than the stories we make up about them.

Is the Fly Five of Swords my fate for the week? Maybe, maybe not.

For now, I am choosing to hold minimal meaning to this unfolding of incredible events, other than being an important reminder of just how incredible and amazing we really are as we navigate understanding our energetic affects in our everyday reality!

Check out my Walkthrough and Investigation Reveal Videos Page for a listing of my mediumship sessions at historic locations!

One thought on “Synchronicities or Collapsing Probabilities? – A Medium’s Perspective

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  1. Or…does the word “fly” have significance for your upcoming week? Could this be a loved one who has passed on, signaling you to fly from a situation or relationship you’re considering? Maybe not a spiritual message from your Higher Guides, but maybe a message from one of your “helper” guides. 🤔❤️


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